Friday, October 17, 2008

Reading on the Train

I finished "the Host" by Stephanie Meyer (?) on yesterdays TRI (train ride in) and while I enjoyed it as a casual distraction it was pretty forgetable. I have several business books queued up on my Kindle and started reading "Bit Literacy" but need fiction to transport me away from the everyday.

I downloaded "Accelerando" by Charles Stross and started reading thatvon the TRO last night. It's a fun and strange and really geeky book but I detect prophetic aspects as far as the near future it portrays.

Much like "Snow Crash" and other Neil Stephenson books it provides an all too feasible look into where we are heading.

I have been reading most of Charles Stross' books ever since discovering him at that great huge bookstore in Portland, Oregon. Some of his stuff is pure drivel but other is truly creative and inspired. I provide a list of my favorites and dogs when I have better I-access than my iPhone.

Well, landing at NYC now so need to close and send. Happy Friday, all!

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