Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Seven Survival Skills

I read a blog article recently on LeadingBlog that described seven survival skills for the new age. The material is from the book "The Global Achievement Gap" by Tony Wagner.

The article is located here:

The seven survival skills listed by the author are:
1.) critical thinking and problem solving
2.) collaboration across networks and leading by influence
3.) agility and adaptability
4.) initiative and entrepreneurship
5.) effective oral and written communication
6,) accessing and analyzing information
7.) curiosity and imagination

By my count that is 14 but I suspect that "good at math," is not among the seven survival skills. The MBA's who led our economy into the crapper seem certainly to be lacking in that 8th skill. Well, maybe lacking in other important skills like ethics, responsibility, and accountability.

To this set, whether 7 or 14 I would immediately add the following:

8.) Zeal for learning and embracing new methods (mindmapping, managing strengths, leading by clarity) and new technology tools (MindManager, Basecamp, Collaboration Technologies). Maybe that is included in curiosity and imagination or facilitates the rest but it is important.

Please respond with your own ideas. A priority ranking perhaps? Other missing skills?

I tested this set out with my AST team and many people seemed to be in agreement so I think this is a good set to start with.

Now, the difficult part, what is ACTIONABLE? And How? This is especially tricky with training and professional development budgets being slashed during these turbulent times.

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