Sunday, December 30, 2007

Found a Studebaker at Morningside Campus

I found this little toy Studebaker at the Morningside campus of Columbia University while leaving work today. The significance is that people who are moving to the renovated Studebaker Building on the new Manhattanville campus in West Harlem are being given the little toy cars so I wonder if it was from one of those folk.

It's cute little car with a hood that opens revealing an engine replica. I think the car modeled is from the 1950's but am not that familiar with the model line. It was an interesting find since I am soon taking an office in the Studebaker Building myself, although I will split time between that and my office in 201 Philosophy. The model that is appropriate for that location is the Thinker as that sculpture sits outside the campus entrance to the building.

I was thinking to myself that I find many things by looking at the ground in front of me, although I also tend to peer into the future.

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